Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 42 - Zurich.

Erica and Bruno acted as tour guides for us today.  First we caught a train close to the peak overlooking Zurich, followed by an uphill walk to the top.  The views were spectacular.

After lunch in a small outdoor cafe, we all went for a long walk in and around the "old town".  

Next was a boat trip in a very flat boat which could fit under the many low bridges.  This was very relaxing, sharing the waterway with paddle-boats, yachts, paddle boards, speed boats, and some quite large ships.

Our last meal together was in a cosy Italian restaurant, after which we said our farewells in the rain.

Caught the train up to the communications tower on the hill overlooking Zurich.

Some great views of Zurich from the hill above the city.  The Swiss call this lake the Zuri Lake.

One of the views from the top of the hill.

Overlooking the lake.  Sandra's Grandmother and Mum lived on the left just around the point.

The river through the old town.

They have the largest clock in Europe which even beats Big Ben!

Erica and Bruno took us for a tour of the river and lake on this boat.

Strange to see warm waters in the foreground and snow capped mountains at the rear.

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