Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 3 - Cork and the surrounds

Stephen and Karen drove us through a wide area of Cork County, visiting several castles and places of historical interest.  People are very friendly, and if you don't know someone you meet you soon do!!  The small villages are fascinating with a mixture of old and new, with the old being maintained as per original detail.  

We visited the original family home of Michael Collins, who is revered as the leader of the party which forced England to release 26 of the counties to Ireland.  He was shot at the age of only 32 years, and his grave in Rosscarbery the most visited in Ireland.  Prolific flowers are left there every day.

This is Blarney Castle

Up there is where the tourists kiss the Blarney Stone !!

And this is one women actually about to kiss that saliva ridden stone.  I passed on this one !!!

Stephen, Karen, Judy and Brian in front of the Blarney Castle.

Henry Ford was actually born here prior to making a name for himself.

Sprigging House, a school for those who wished to learn the arts of crochet, knitting etc. This is now a tiny museum.

Clonakilty village

This house is where the Great Great Grandmother of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born.

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