Our mission today was to endeavour to trace more information about Judy's Great Great Grandmother. We know that her name was Margaret Ann Darmody and believe that she left Borrisokane to emigrate to Austrailia where she met and later married Solomon Richard Maddern. She was Catholic and Solomon was Protestant. She brought a daughter Bridget to Australia with her, but much of Margaret's background remains a mystery.i
We visited the Genealogy centre and museum in Nenagh Co. Tipperary, which was extremely helpful. A woman there has given us much homework to follow up in Austrailia, because there were no records of Margaret or Bridget on the Irish database.
We then got lost on the back roads and byroads of Tipperary and ended up at a beautiful view of Lough Derg. Finally backtracked and stopped at a rural traffic jam (see photo below) before we finally found the correct road and ended up in Borrisokane.
In Borrisokane we inspected two graveyards and looked for a third, but all headstones were too recent to be Margaret's parents. So no luck today.
Then we travelled to Dublin and are now at the Gresham Hotel getting ready to head downstairs for deochanna agus dinnėar.
Abbey court Hotel Nenagh Co. Tipperary
Smashin beers!